PURPOSE: The Associated Ministry Deacon shall take the lead in making the congregation aware of all ministry opportunities to share the gospel beyond our immediate congregation and community and then maintaining our relationships with all auxiliary ministries with which Faith chooses to associate.
Engender a concern within the congregation for the plight of lost souls who don’t believe in the Savior beyond our own community
Maintain regular and open communication with the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS)
Maintain regular and open communication with Shoreland Lutheran High School leadership (SLHS)
Maintain regular and open communication with leadership of every ministry associated with Faith
Personally recruit members of Faith to serve in leadership of associated ministries as their own governance structures require
Establish, guide and provide general oversight and leadership contact for all auxiliary adult organizations established by the congregation that are specifically involved in support of mission work (LWMS, Kingdom Workers, CLR, etc.)
Provide representation advocacy in the congregation for the needs of every ministry associated with Faith
Faithfully fulfill all responsibilities defined by Bylaw Article 10
Serve as, or recruit and supervise, the WELS Contact Man for the congregation
Serve as, or recruit and supervise, the congregation’s lay delegate to district and synod-wide conferences and
Develop and implement programs and communication mechanisms that heighten congregational awareness of, interest in, and support of all aspects of the WELS worldwide ministry and other organizations in fellowship with WELS
Conduct regular campaigns that create awareness of and generate material support for mission efforts throughout our country and the world with whom we are in fellowship
Serve as liaison with all WELS prep schools and colleges in an effort to recruit candidates for ministry from the membership of the congregation
Serve as, or recruit and supervise, the lead delegate of the congregation on SLHS general board
Recruit and supervise as many delegates of the congregation on SLHS general board as SLHS governance requires
Serve as the congregation’s lead contact with every associated ministry with which the congregation chooses to involve itself
Recruit and supervise delegates of the congregation to represent Faith in the leadership structure of every ministry associated with Faith whose governance structure requires or allows Faith representation
Take a lead role in seeking new auxiliary ministries with which our congregation may be associated and presenting their needs to the leadership and the congregation
Provide oversight and advocate in funding issues of our associations with outreach oriented ministries (i.e. Christian Life Resources, Kingdom Workers, L.W.M.S., etc.)
Facilitate a process of policy development and compliance for all elements of ministry under his responsibility bringing forward all policy proposals he deems appropriate to the Parish Council for discussion and approval
Lead the annual process of ministry and budget planning for all associated ministry support subscriptions
Furnish, when requested, all necessary records for the audit committee
Prepare quarterly update reports for the Parish Council
Prepare and present an annual report of activities to the Presiding Elder and the Presiding Elder’s Committee